Glavendrupskolens principper udarbejdet af skolebestyrelsen Dokumenter Samlet til print_Principper Glavendrupskolen_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for skole-hjem-samarbejdet.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for kontaktforældre.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for klassekasser.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for hyttetur, lejrskole og skolerejse.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for brug af mobilenheder.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip for badning i forbindelse med idræt.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip Vikardækning.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip undervisningsmidler.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip udlevering af medicin.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip trivsels- og antimobbepolitik.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip sponsorering.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip fravær og frihed ved skolegang.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip elevernes ugeskema.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip ansættelser ved Glavendrupskolen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip fagfordeling_1.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Princip klassedeling ved indskrivning til 0. årgang_0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.